Monday, March 12, 2018


Cyrus was named after a favorite minister of his family. He was born on the 9th day of October in 1837 in Fort Ann, Washington County, New York. He had six siblings.  Cyrus grew up to be 5 foot 10 inches tall.

"My Grandfather, Cyrus Whitney Hodges Dickinson,"  said Mildred Shepard, c. 1967 "was born in Glen Falls, New York, October 9, 1837,  the seventh son of a seventh son.  He was named after a preacher, Cyrus Whitney Hodges, which griped him terribly." [Glenn Falls is a community near the city of Fort Ann.]

At age 18, Cyrus and a couple of his brothers went to Michigan and purchased land for the family to farm.  Soon after, their parents and other family members left New York and traveled to Montcalm County where they all lived on adjoining properties.

On the 24th of August in 1861, Cyrus enlisted in Company B, 16th Michigan Infantry, in Ionia, Michigan.  At the Battle of Kelly's Ford, Cyrus came down with the mumps. At about this time, his buddy, George Clapp, from South Scituate, Massachusetts was writing to his fiance . Cyrus asked George if his fiance might have a nice friend that he could write to. George immediately thought of Emma Evans and gave Cyrus her address. This was the start of the letters that Cyrus wrote and Emma saved, bless her heart, for us descendants to read and learn from:

12 Nov 1863 at Kelly's Ford, VA--a letter to Miss Emma Evans from Cyrus, the soldier:
"To Miss Emma, Our advance is as far out across the Rappahanock as Culpepper. We are here to guard the rear. Last Sat. at Rapp. Station, Gen'l Mead's army all got in motion very early and took up a line of march in the direction of the river. Two Corps going to Rapp Sta. and the other 3 coming here to this ford. Our corps and the 6th Corp went to the stat and there we found a brigade of rebels and preparations were made and a fight began with the 6th Corps and we was brought up on the left and we took a good shelling from the rebels battery but none of our guard was injured (some narrow escapes). I and 24 others took 100 prisoners to Headquarters.
   My father is 70 years old; mother 63, last August. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, all married. My duty is to serve my country."
6 Dec 1863, another letter to "Kind Friend, Emma...I shall never regret the 3 yrs I have endured of hardships and absences from those I love. I am back on the East side of Rappahannock River. I had hard tack, coffee and salt pork for Thanksgiving dinner. 
   I am on the outside of the picket lines at the house of an old widow. I'm a safe guard, sitting by a cheerful fire. A Virginia girl, niece of old lady, reading. Boys are dancing in the street with a violin being played.
   I keep my photos and diary over my heart. We are trying to hold on to a RR near Bealton, VA."

On the 22nd day of December in 1863, Cyrus re-enlisted before going home to Michigan for a Christmas furlough. Later, he was involved in fighting at Gettysburg, Battle of Bull Run, Little Difficult and other lesser known skirmishes.
22 May 1864 "Fredericksburg, VA in hospital. Unable to march, too sick. Ambulance." [ After he got well, Dr. detailed Cyrus. ]
2 Jul1864...terribly hot weather.
20 Jul 1864, Camp near Petersburg, VA. [Cyrus thanks Emma's parents, aunt, and sister, Julia, for their kind wishes. Cyrus tells Emma that he left his folks in NY when he was 18. Parents came to MI then, 6 months later. In MI he went to a little school house to hear sermons.
   Atlanta was taken with a great many prisoners. Cyrus saw Gen'l Grant there. The soldiers are playing cards, drinking, and swearing...much drunkenness.]
30 Sep 1864: at Weldon RR. Buys apples for 5 cents; 5 or 6 peaches for 25 cents; can't afford to buy much from Sutters.
  "Brother, Thomas, is in the 6th MI Cavalry in the valley and has been fighting lately under Sheridan. He is my favorite brother and I love him dearly. He has one very smart pretty little girl. I saw him when I was home last winter. He got a sick furlow from the hospital and came home about 10 days before I came back to Dixie. "
2 Nov 1864 Papler Spring Church." They will vote on Nov 8th. Charles has enlisted and has gone to Tenn. He fell and sprained his thumb yesterday." [Charles is an older brother.]

Mildred Shepard explained that,  "Cyrus went back to Michigan after the war ended, took out a Homestead, then went to Boston (South Scituate) to meet Emma and her family.  They were married at the Evans home at '62 minutes after a couple o'clock', so he said." [Their marriage took place on 19 Nov 1865.]
Cyrus was Mustered out at Jeffersonville, Indiana, July 8th 1866.  

In the 1870 Federal Census: #258/261 in Montcalm County, MI: Cyrus, age 33, is a farmer with $2,000 in Real Estate and $100 in Personal Estate. He and Emma, age 27, have one daughter, Carrie, age 3. who was born in MI. They lost their first child.

1880 Census, Cyrus is age 43 living in Evergreen Twp., Montcalm, MI. Emma H. is 37, born in ME, her father born in Sweden and Her   mother born in ME.  Carry E. is 13, Irving is 9, Verner is 6 and   Hershal is 1.  Carry, Irving, and Verner are all attending school.

"My Grandmother, Emma, died May 28, 1881 of measles and is buried in Vickeryville, MI.  So is Cyrus.  He passed away February 5, 1918. Cyrus had moved to Denver, CO soon after Grandma passed away." said Mildred Shepard.

1900 Census=Cyrus, age 63, living with Carrie and Judson Ellsworth at 3131 High St. in Denver, Arapahoe, CO.  Judson and Carrie have been married 17 years.  Judson is 41 and a carpenter.  Cyrus is a chiropodist.  

It is obvious that Cyrus lived a full and busy life and was loved and admired by his family...that love is especially noticeable via Mildred Shepard's comments.

BORN: 9 Oct 1937 in Fort Ann, Washington, NY
MARRIED: 19 Nov 1865 in Norwell, Plymouth, MA
DIED: 5 Feb 1918 in Highland Park, Wayne, MSI
SOURCES: Federal Census Records of 1840 to 1900; Cyrus' military and vital records; Cyrus' letters to Emma Evans during the Civil War:Repository at the home of Sandra Kratzer, descendant of Cyrus Dickinson; Cyrus' photo album: Repository at the home of Marjorie Shepard, the wife of a descendant of Cyrus and the Shepard family historian. Elda Esch, "The Benoni Dickinson Genealogy"; Countless interviews with Midred Shepard.