Thursday, June 6, 2019


The earliest American account of this family was written by an unknown descendant of Jeremiah and his wife, and reads as follows: "Frances, the wife of Wm. Dungan, Wm. Vaughan and Jeremiah Clarke, died September, 1677, in the 67th year of her age. She was daughter of Lewis Latham. She was sometime wife of Lord Weston, then wife to Wm. Dungan, by whom she had one son and three daughters. Her son Thomas Dungan married and settled in Pennsylvania, and was the first Baptist minister in them parts. Her daughter Barbara Dungan, married to James Barker of Rhode Island. After Wm. Dungan died, Frances married Mr. Jeremiah Clarke and came over to New England with her four children, above mentioned. She had by her husband Clarke, five sons. After he died she married Mr. Vaughan. Mr. Vaughan, spoken of above, was a Baptist minister, and living in Rhode Island, the cradle of colonial Baptists, we assume Frances was not only a Baptist herself, but had a strong influence on her son Thomas Dungan."

The following excerpt was written about Frances in England and later years: "We can imagine Frances as a young girl on the moors in companionship with her father as he attended the Royal Princes, Henry and Charlie, in their hunting with falcons, ever a favorite royal sport, the birds being highly trained to search out and pounce upon rabbit, grouse and other small game and bring them to their master. Frances Latham was married in 1627 at age 17 to William Dungan, Gentleman, who was born about 1606, a London Merchant and Perfumer. His wares were in great demand and quite necessary to offset the obnoxious odors arising from the gutters in a thickly settled district subject to heavy fog and having surface drainage. They made their home at St. Martins-in-the-Fields where later he died and was buried 20 September 1636, leaving her a widow at age 26 with four little children between the ages of 2 and 8 years. By his Will dated 13 September 1636 he gave all his property to his wife Frances, after bequeathing £70 to each of his four children whom he mentions by name. About a year after William Dungan's death she was married to her second husband Jeremy Clarke, who was baptized 1 December, 1605. Jeremy and Frances came to Rhode Island about the year 1637 bringing the four young children by her first marriage. They settled at Newport where Mr. Clark became the first Constable, and in 1648 Governor and Treasurer of the Rhode Island Colony. His family were members of the Society of Friends at Newport, the first Quaker settlement in America. Here at age 46 Jeremy Clark died, and here according to records of Friends Meeting he was buried 11 mo. 3rd, 1651.

Frances was married about 1655 to her third husband Rev. William Vaughan, Doctor of Civil Law, poet and distinguished scholar, one of the original members of the First Baptist Church of Newport, and one of the founders of the Second Baptist Church of which he was the first minister. He died in August 1677, by him she had no children, and outliving him only a few weeks, she died in September 1677, in her 67th year, and is buried at Newport in the Govemor's lot. Frances Latham was the mother of seven sons and four daughters. They all married." 

The following account about our family was written later by a Clarke descendant: "Clarke Family -  The tombstone of  Frances, the wife of Jeremy Clarke (Jeremiah) states "Here lyeth ye body of Mrs. Frances Vaughn, alias Clarke, ye mother of ye only children of Captain Jeremiah Clarke, she died ye first week in Sept. 1677 in ye 67th year of her age." About 1637, Jeremiah came from England with his wife and her four children by her first husband, William Dungan. They were accompanied by his wife's widowed sister, Ellen Sherringham, age 67. She and Frances were daughters of Lewis Latham. After William Dungan's death, Frances md. 2) Jeremiah Clarke and had five sons. After he died, she md. a Mr. Vaughn. 

Here is a short biography of Jeremiah by Michael Schwing:  "On April 28, 1639, Jeremiah Clarke and eight others signed a compact at Portsmouth which led to the settlement of the town of Newport. In 1648 under the title of President Regent he was acting governor of Rhode Island pending Governor William Coddington's clearance of certain accusations. He had seven children by Frances of whom Walter was governor of Rhode Island; Mary married the future governor of Rhode Island John Cranston (parents of Governor Samuel Cranston); and James was ordained pastor of Second Baptist Church, Newport." 

Here are a few more details of Jeremiah's career as a good citizen of Rhode Island:"On 25 Nov. 1639 he was chosen constable, and was reelected in the following spring, and on 29 Jan. 1639/40 he was selected to supply the treasurer's place 'till his returne from the Dutch.' On 10 Mar. 1639/40 he had land recorded to the amount of 116 acres, and a few days later he and two others were chosen to lay out the remainder of the lands at Newport. On 16 Mar. 1640/1 1641/2 he was elected lieutenant of the militia for Newport, and on 13 Mar. 1643/4 he was chosen captain for Newport, then the highest military rank attainable. On the same date he was elected treasurer of Newport, and held this office for three years, and in May 1647 he was elected general treasurer of the Colony, and served in this capacity until 22 May 1649. On 16 May 1648 he was chosen an assistant, and in the same year, pending the clearance of President William Coddington of certain accusations, he was authorized to act, and did act, as President." 

 In Jan. 1652 the Friends record the comments on his death. "Jeremiah Clarke, one of the first English Planters, of Rhode Island. He d. at Newport in said Island, and was buried in the Tomb that stands by the Street by the Waterside in Newport, upon this --- day of Eleventh month 1651." On the 6th. day of May, 1653 his widow had legacy of 12d. from the Will of her father, Levi Latham. On Jan. 18, 1659, now the wife of Rev. Wm Vaughan entered into agreement with her son, Walter Clarke, through his Guardian, John Cranston, and James Barker, who are called his Brother-in-law. James Barker, m. Walter Clarke's hf-sr, Barbary Dungan." by this agreement, Walter was to have the dwelling house where Mrs. Vaughan lived, garden, orchard and certain lands, which was his inheritance, but his mother was to have possession till Sept. 29, or untill Tobacco was cured. His widow was buried in Newport, Conn.

 Frances b. 1638 m. Randall Holden
 Walter  b. 1637, (1640) d. Nov. 22, 1714. He m. 1st, Content, 2nd. Hannah Listt; m. 3rd   Freeburn, 4th Sarah (Prior) Hart Gould.
 Mary b. 1641, d. 7th of April 1711; m. 1st Gov. John Cranston, 2nd John Stanton.
 Jeremiah b. 1643; m. Ann Audrey, our ancestor
 Latham b. 1645; d. June 1, 1719; m. 1st Hannah Wilbour; m. 2nd Ann Newbury. 
Weston b. April 5, 1648- (Newport's Friend's Record "July 2, 1648")
 James b. 1649, d. Dec. 1, 1736; m. Hope Powers.
 Sarah b. 1651; d. 1706; m. 1st Jno Pinner; 2nd Gov. Caleb Carr.

Frances Latham is now generally called "The Mother of Governors," because no less than fourteen of her direct descendants, and many sons-in-law in succeeding generations, became Governors or Lieut. Governors

Some more background about Jeremiah's life: "They settled at Newport where Mr. Clark became the first Constable, and in 1648 Governor and Treasurer of the Rhode Island Colony. His family were members of the Society of Friends at Newport, the first Quaker settlement in America. Here at age 46 Jeremy Clark died, and here according to records of Friends Meeting he was buried 11 mo. 3rd, 1651." 

Frances was married about 1655 to her third husband Rev. William Vaughan, Doctor of Civil Law, poet and distinguished scholar, one of the original members of the First Baptist Church of Newport, and one of the founders of the Second Baptist Church of which he was the first minister. He died in August 1677, by him she had no children, and outliving him only a few weeks, she died in September 1677, in her 67th year, and is buried at Newport in the Govemor's lot.

"The grave of Frances Latham (Dungan Clarke Vaughn) is located in the Old Burial Ground of Newport just as you cross the bridge into town.
**The Frances Latham from whom many of us are descended is quietly spending her eternity in a grave with a headstone marked only "Frances Vaughn 1677". It stands perhaps 10 or 12 inches from the ground and is scarcely 10 inches wide. It is so removed and unremarkable that it took me nearly two hours to find it and then only after the direction of a Clarke/Latham descendant at the Historical Society. The Cemetery Office did not even know who Frances Latham was.**
While she does rest among children and grandchildren, she is not acknowledged as the wife of William Dungan, Jeremy Clarke, or anyone. Nor is she acknowledged as the woman who has produced so many esteemed descendants. My guess is that the stone will not last another 50 years (if that) before it is all but illegible as so many of the stones are in this cemetery."
[The above cemetery visitor is not identified but I think it is important for us to know about what this person observed. I also learned that Jeremiah's grave is covered by a modern brick building.]

BAPTIZED:1 Dec 1605 in East Farleigh, Kent, England
MARRIED: c. Fall 1637 in England
DIED: 11 Jan 1651/2 Newport, Aquiceck Island, RI
BURIED: Golden Hill Cemetery in Newport, Newport, RI

BORN: 15 Feb 1615 in Kempston, Eccleston, England
DIED: Sep 1677 in Newport, Newport, RI
BURIED: Old Burying Ground of Newport
SOURCES: Jeremiah Clarke Memorial Birth: Dec. 1, 1605 Death: Jan., 1652 Newport Newport County Rhode Island, USA Rhode Island Governor. He married the widow Frances Latham Dungan in London, England and came in 1638 to Aquidnec,
 Rhode Island with her and her children by the first husband, Non-standard gedcom data: 1 HIST @N841@; New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Clarence Almon Torrey, 1985, BBaltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc Clark, Jeremiah/Jeremy? (1605-1652) & Frances (Latham) (Dungan) (1610-1677), widdow of William, m/3 William Vaughn; birth of 1st child 1638; Newport Information from: The Descendents of Richard Church and the Ancestors of His Wife Elizabeth Warren, both of Plymouth, Mass. By Chas F. Church, Lamoni, Iowa 1938 Pages 99-100 JEREMIAH CLARKE OF Newport, RI; !Initial source: Family group sheet from the FGRA collection of the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, submitted by , b 1638, of Warwick, Kent, R. I., proxy baptism 11 Feb 1908, endowment 19 Nov 1909, sealing to parents 30 Nov 1951 SLAKE, married Randall Holden, no sealing date. !From "Ancestry of Jeremy Clark ...." by A. R. Justice; William Coddington, Judge, Nicholas Easton, John Coggeshall and William Brenton, Elders, John Clarke, Jeremy Clarke, Thomas Hazard, Henry Bull, W. Dyre, Secretary. (A Documentary History of Rhode Island), Howard M. Chapin, 1919or Lieut. Governors. Baptized 15 February 1609/10.