Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Francis Purdy was born in 1595 in Yorkshire, England. Mary Brundish was born in Ipswich, Suffolk, England in 1628. Their marriage occurred on the 5th of August in 1642.  Soon after, they sailed to America and arrived  in Concord, Massachusetts.  Francis was a tanner. In 1648, he became a surveyor in Fairfield, Connecticut.

Here is the list of their children who were all born in Fairfield:
1648 John
1650 Francis, our ancestor
1652 Joseph
unk   Daniel, died young
1657 Mary
unk  Elizabeth

SOURCES: The Families of Old Fairfield, Vol 1, pages 495-496 by Jacobus, lists five children for Francis1 Purdy; Francis’s will:
An inventory of the estate of Francis Purdy is recorded as having been presented to "a Court in Fairfield holden October 20, 1658 (Fairfield Probate Records, Vol. 1, pages 39-40, Fairfield
Probate Office, Fairfield CT). The inventory is dated October 14, 1658. The following is quoted from these pages:

"The widow Purdie makes oath that the inventory by Nathan Gold and Anthony Wilson is a true inventory of the effects of Francis Purdie according to the best of her knowledge.

There being no will the Court orders as followeth the widow admitted administration to pay all debts.... she to have the home lot for life; the rest to be divided...

 ...the sons are to have their portions at twenty one years and the daughters at eighteen except they marry.... John to have the front lot and the two younger sons........ John, his portion to be a double portion."

Mary Brundage Purdy, widow of Francis, remarried to John Hoit
Given the ages of the Purdy children in 1665 and 1670, it seems reasonable to assume that they lived with John Hoyt and their mother at Eastchester at least until 1670 and likely until 1676 when he moved to Rye.

Early land deeds of Fairfield still exist (for the most part) and have been transcribed in a book at the Fairfield Historical Society. From that book, page 219: Affidavit Vol A page 391, dated 24 May 1667, Recorded 4 Feb 1686, John2 Brundish of Rye, County of Fairfield to heirs of Frances [sic] Purdy, [ etc.]