Monday, October 21, 2019


"EDWARD GRISWOLD, who was born 26 Jul 1607,  lived for a time at least in Kenilworth,  Warwick, England, from whence he emigrated in 1639, as is disclosed by various depositions. EDWARD brought with him his wife, several children, and his younger brother Matthew. EDWARD received his share of lands at Windsor, Connecticut, the first recorded division of which  occurred in January, 1640-1.  In March, 1663, the General Court appointed a committee to view Hamonoscett, later Killingsworth, and to decide if it be fit for a plantation...original planters, including EDWARD GRISWOLD, then called sixty-four years old. 

EDWARD, with his wife and younger children, was among the first to remove to this new locality, undoubtedly in 1663. He deeded most of  his property at Windsor to his oldest sons.  In lieu of a will EDWARD GRISWOLD on Christmas Day, 1672, signed a conditional  inheritance deed of all his property to his son John, who was to pay certain legacies; but EDWARD did not die until 1691, when he was in the eighty-fourth year of his age,  and was buried at Killingsworth. He had married first, in England, MARGARET (----), [*She has been called MARGARET  HICKS, but no authority is cited.] who died in Killingsworth August 23, 1670, where her gravestone may be seen, the oldest in the cemetery,  marked  "M.G. 1670." He married secondly, in 1672, Sarah (----) Bemis, widow of James of New London. His children were all  by his first wife. Four are said to have been baptized and one may have died at Kenilworth, England, and that place was probably  the birthplace of two others, while the remaining were born at Windsor, Connecticut."

Below is the list of the Griswold children, the first four were born in England, the others were born in Connecticut:

c. 1630 Sarah? died young
1631    Sarah
1633    George
1635    Francis
1642    Ann
1644    Mary, our ancestor
1646    Deborah
1647    Joseph
1649    Samuel
1652    John
unk      Edward

BORN: 26 Jul 1607 in Sloihull, Kenilworth, England
MARRIED: c. 1630 in England
DIED: 30 Aug 1691 in Killingsworth, Hartford, CT

BORN: 1610 in ,Kenilworth, England
DIED: 23 Aug 1670 in ,Clinton, CT
SOURCES:Vital Statistics: " Edward Griswold was born in 1607 and died in the year 1691 at age 84. His wife was Margaret who died 23 Aug 1670 in Clinton, Conn."; Citation: Excerpt from Vol 2 Dawes-Gates ancestral lines : a memorial volume containing the American ancestry of Rufus R. Dawes and includes the family of Edward and Margaret (Hicks) Griswold.