Sunday, November 10, 2019


John and Alice were both born in Weymouth, Dorset, England. John was born in 1595 and Alice was born in 1600. They were married on the 9th of June in 1623. Six of their children were born in Weymouth, England. Their seventh child, Simon, was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Below is their list of birthdates:

Mar 1624 John, our ancestor
Dec 1624 James
       1627 Jane
       1630 Onesephirus (male, called Joseph)
      1632 Richard
      1633 Nicholas
      1637 Simon
" John Whitmarsh, immigrant ancester of the Whitmarsh family in America was one of Rev. Joseph Hull's company that sailed from Weymouth, England March 20, 1635. The family is given in the Passenger list as follows:
 John Whitmarsh, aged 39 years
 Alice Whitmarsh, aged 35 years
 James Whitmarsh, his son, aged 11 years 
Jane Whitmarsh, his daughter, aged 7 years
 Onesephorus Whitmarsh, his son, aged 5 years
 Richard Whitmarsh, his son, aged 2 years."

[This list is apparently incomplete because two sons, John and Nicholas, are missing.]

 "On 8 July 1635 the General Court of Massacchusetts, passed an order, permitting Rev. Joseph Hull's company of 11 families to settle at Wessaguscus incorporated under the name of Weymouth, Mass. 2 Sep 1635." 

John Whitmarsh owned several pieces of land in Weymouth, before 1644.
Genealogies of Early Families of Weymouth, MA; p. 759; "He [John Whitmarsh] received grants of land in Weymouth (Suffolk, Massachusetts) and settled there. His lands included two acres upon the plain, three acres upon King Oak Hill, two acres in the west field, besides other lots. About 1644 a description of the lands of Nicholas, Richard, Onesephorus and Simon Whitmarsh mentions nine acres in the westerneck first given to their father John Whitmarsh dec'd. In a description of John Harding's land, mention is made of land which he gave to John Whitmarsh son of the aforesaid John Whitmarsh. Hence John Whitmarsh, Sr., died near 1644." 

"!FAMILY-LAND: Sketch of Weymouth; FHL book 974.47/W1 B4w No. 2; p. 247-50; list of this company that came with  Rev. Joseph Hull to Weymouth  20 Mar 1635; Jn'o Whitmarsk aged 39 yeare, Alce Whitmarke his Wife aged 35 yeare, Jm's Whitmarcke his sonne aged 11 yeare, Jane his daught'r aged 7 yeare, Onseph Whitmarke his sonne aged 5 yeare, Rich. Whytemark his sonne aged 2 yeare. p. 281; John Whitmarsh, #20, on 26 Nov 1651 list of property owners, The great lots named in the old town Book and formerly granted to be laid out on the East side of  Fresh Pond next to Mrs. Richard's mill  joining the small lots formerly laid out butting on Fresh Pond to run 18 rods towards Hingham line and in case any lots run beyound the pond they shal be upon the same Line. p. 282-3; John Whitmarsh  has 9 Acres in Lot #16 on the west side ot town, bounding upon the Braintree line, in 1663 list."

BORN: 1595 in Weymouth, Dorset, England
MARRIED: 9 Jun 1623 in Weymouth, Dorset, England
DIED: 1644 in Weymouth, Massachusetts

BORN: 1600 in Weymouth, Dorset, England
DIED: after 1639 in Weymouth, Mass.
 SOURCES: History of Weymouth , Mass., Vol. 4, p. 758 Genealogy of the Descendants of John Whitmarsh of Weymouth, by Newton Whitmarsh Bates 1916. The book is a revision and enlargement of a pamphlet of Whitmarsh genalogy published by the author in 1902. The record of the first five generations of the descendants of John Whitmarsh of Weymouth, Mass. The earlier generations of descendents of John Whitmarsh resided at Weymouth, Mass. gradually moving south to Abington and Bridgewater. Later generations scattered to all parts of the west. England births and christenings: 1538-1975; England marriages: 1538-1973; FHL microfilm 75,173.