Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The Phelps family was one of the most prominent in the early development of Windsor, Connecticut. Timothy became a freeman in 1664, a Lieutenant in 1690, and a  Captain in 1696 while he served in Queen Anne's War.  He was a man of considerable ability and was held in great esteem.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:  Queen Anne's War (1702–1713) was the second in a series of French and Indian Wars fought in England's Thirteen American Colonies; in Europe, it is viewed as the North American theater of the War of the Spanish Succession.

Timothy and his wife, Mary Griswold Phelps,  had the following children, all born in Windsor:

 1663 Timothy
1666  Joseph
1668  William
1671  Cornelius
1671  Mary
1675  Samuel
1677  Nathaniel
1679  Sarah
1682  Abigail, our ancestor
1684  Hannah
1686  Anna
1688  Martha

The Timothy Phelps family  resided in Windsor, CT. on the old homestead, on land purchased by his father from the Indians. He was propounded October 1663, and made a freeman May 2nd, 1664. In May,1690, "Thos. Allen, chosen and allowed Capt. of Trained Band in Windsor and Timothy Phelps,  Lieut., and are to be commissioned accordingly." May, 1696, "The soldiers at Windsor have chosen Timothy Phelps as their Capt. and The Court approveth their said choice and does order the said officers shall receive their commissions, Sgt. Timothy Phelps that went up to the Great Falls in Oct. last, ordered by the Gov. and Council, 6 Feb., 1706-7, upon public service, shall  be allowed 8 shillings apiece more than allowed them by Capt. Matthew Allen." He was appointed a Lieut. by the General Court, receiving his commission in 1709, and served under Col. William Whiting, in Capt. Matthew Allyn's Co., in 1707, in the Queen Anne War. He died in 1719. His will, dated 2nd May, 1717. He died in 1719.

 Here are Timothy's written words of his will:
 "I Timothy Phelps of Windsor, being very aged yet retaining a good measure of understanding and memory, do make this my last will and testament: Imprinis. I give, devise and bequeath all my estate whatsoever, both real and personal to my three sons, William, Cornelius and Samuel, to have, hold and improve the same in trust for the use of my wife during her natural life, and after her decease my will is, and I hereby do give and devise all my housing and lands with the appurtenances to my sons, Timothy Phelps, William Phelps, Cornelius Phelps, Samuel Phelps, Nathaniel Phelps, and heirs of Joseph Phelps in room of their father, to be equally divided into six equal parts, provided always, and it is my will that they pay and make up to their sisters, Sarah, Hannah, Ann, and Martha, my daughters, or to their heirs and to the heirs of my daughter. Abigail, deceased, 48 pounds as money apiece; and my will is that what they have already ree'd. as entered upon my book shall be reckoned as part of sd. summs and my 2d. son and the heirs of my son Joseph shall pay their sisters and their heirs above mentioned in equal proportion, except that the heirs of Joseph shall pay 4 pounds more than an equal proportion, and my son Cornelius 4 pounds less than an equal proportion. And my will further is, that my wife shall have the free disposal of all her wearing apparel at her decease, and that my grandson Samuel Filer shall have half of that bequeathed to the heirs of my daughter Abigail if he liveth with me so long as I live, or till he comes to the age of 18 years. I appoint my wife Mary and my three sons, William, Cornelius and Samuel, to be executors. John Mansfield. Thomas Moore. Timothy Phelps. And whereas, I being aged and my wife soe, and not knowing how long it may please God to continue my life, and not knowing what debts and charge may arise before I leave this world, my will is that my sons and my daughters and their heirs shall pay their equal parts and shares of my debts and charges after my decease, and my daughters, Sarah, Hannah, Ann, and Martha, and the heirs of Abigail, shall have 46 pounds apiece with what they have already had, to be paid as money out of my estate after my decease. By the charge as above mentioned I intend that if there be any extraordinary charge, so that the improvement of my estate will not maintain me. This addition of my will was made and published the 2nd day of March, 1716." The will was Proven Oct. 6, 1719.

BORN: 1 Sep 1639 in Windsor, CT
MARRIED: 19 Mar 1661 in Windsor
DIED: aft 28 Sep 1719 in Windsor

BORN: 5 Oct 1644 in Windsor
DIED: 2 Mar 1717 in Windsor
Both are buried at the Palisado Cemetery in Windsor.
SOURCES: Birth - Some early Records and Documents of Windsor Connecticut by Matthew Grant 974.62/W1 N2c p. 55: Timothy Phelps was borne here in August . 1639. Windsor Vital Rec-0002983 pg 230: Timothy Phelps,s.William, b.Sept.1, 1639 Windsor Births, Marriages and Deaths 1316427 p. 164: Timothy d. bet. 2 March 1716/7 and 28 Sept. 1719, the dates that his will was executed and that the witnesses made oath of his signature;  The Phelps Family - 9. Timothy Phelps b. 1 SEP 1639, Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, occupation Lieutenant, m. 19 MAR 1661, in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, Mary Griswold, b. 5-Oct-1644, Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, (daughter of Edward Griswold and Margaret Hicks) d. 23 AUG 1690, Clinton, CT. Timothy died 1719, Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. Note 2: Phelps-Marshll Kinship by Nancy S. McBride 929.273 P518a p. 20 Lt.