Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Experience Strong was seen by John Winthrop, Jr. as her physician on April 4, 1667. He gave her age as 16 and said she was living with her grandfather Ford in Windsor. That would have been Thomas Ford, whose third wife (Ann Scott) was still living, and was also treated (then and on July 29). Winthrop's Medical Journal states that they were "of Windsor". Windsor's Town Hall is pictured below:

Windsor is a town in Hartford County, Connecticut and was the first English settlement in the state. It lies on the northern border of Connecticut's capital, Hartford. 

Thomas Ford clearly had a special interest in Experience, because in 1668 he made a conditional deed of his Windsor homestead (he was a large landowner) to Zerubabbel Filer, if  he would marry Experience. They needed plenty of land, since their marriage produced 13 children who were all born in Hartford County. Zerubabel and Experience were married on the 17th of May in 1669 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. Their children: 

1669 Thomas
1672 Jane
1673 Zerubable who died the same day that he was born
1674 Zerubable
1676 John
1680 Samuel who died young
1680 Abigail who died young
1681 Samuel, our ancestor
1683 Abigail
1688 Stephen
1690 Ebenezer
1691 Experience
1694 Elizabeth

"In 1670, the town of Suffield granted 60 acres of  land to Zerubbadell  Fyler, Samuel Harmon, Joseph Harmon, Hath. Harmon, and Robert Old, who were then the first bonafied settlers of Suffield. They had bought their acreages at the stipulted price of four pence the acre. This meant that Zerubbadell  got his sixty acres for one pound even. That would be roughly five dollars in today's money." Source: The Biography of a Town - Suffield . Connecticut 1670 by Robert Hayden Alcon 974.62/S2 H 2 p. 9

BORN: 23 Dec 1644 in Windsor, Hartford, CT
MARRIED: 27 May 1669 in Windsor
DIED: 21 Oct 1714

BORN: 4 Aug 1650
DIED: aft 1716
SOURCES: birth-name: Zerubbable Fyler or Filer;  Published information: Family genealogies: birth: 23 October 1644; Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, United States; "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906" for all  the children of Zerubbable and Experience Carver; !From Archive Records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Ancestral File, ver 4.13; Zerubabel was bequeathed a lot in Windsor by Thomas Ford, if  "he should marry Experience Strong." He did on Mary 27, 1669.