Saturday, April 7, 2018


It is obvious that there was little need for me to add much more to the following biography of our second great grandfather written by Russ Shopbell  for the book, "History of Ashland County, Ohio" by A. J. Baughman, published about 1880:

"ALDRICH CARVER was born in Tolland County, Connecticut. He came to Huron County in 1818. In 1819 he assisted in capturing some Indian murderers, who were subsequently hung at Norwalk. In 1821 he returned to [his former residence in] Cayuga County, New York, and married Amy Kniffin. In the fall of 1822 he settled in Greenwich, Huron County, Ohio, and in the spring of 1825 on lot ten and eighteen, section four, in Ruggles. Mr. Carver served as justice of the peace in Ruggles, and as commissioner and auditor of Ashland County. He was a shrewd politician, and a man of good native abilities. He died of cancer of the face in 1870 [1866], aged about sixty-five years. His family consisted of Fanny, wife of Daniel Huffman; Phebe, wife of Jacob Huffman, and John, who resides on the homestead. Mr. Carver was one of the petitioners for the organization of the township in 1826. It was called Ruggles, after Judge Almon Ruggles, who surveyed the Fire Lands. At the first election held January 2,1826, there were twelve votes cast: Perry Durfee, Harvey Sacket, Norman Carter, Truman Bates, Reuben Fox, Bradford Sturtevant, Jacob Roorback, Abraham Ferris, Justice Barnes, Daniel Beach, Ezra D. Smith and Aldrich Carver. The officers chosen were: E.D. Smith, clerk; Jacob Roorback, D. Beach, and A. Carver, trustees; Bradford Sturtevant and Harvey Sacket, overseers of poor; J. Barnes and A. Ferris, fence viewers; Reuben Fox and Perry Durfee, appraisers of property; N. Carter, constable; J. Bates, supervisor, and Harvey Sacket, treasurer. There were thirteen offices and twelve voters."
contributed by Russ Shopbell

BORN: 18 Mar 1793 in Hebron, Tolland, CT
MARRIED: abt. 1821 in New Castle, Long Island, NY
DIED:   23 Sep 1866 IN Savannah, Ashland, OH
BURIED: Savannah Cemetery in Savannah, Ashland, OH
SOURCES: U.S.Federal Censuses from 1800 to 1860; Huffman notebook; Letter from researcher, Alice Chilcote dated 24 Aug 2000 re marriage of Carver/Kniffen; USGenWeb Archives re burial; A.J. Baughman, "History of Ashland County, Ohio", pub. abt. 1880.